Acupuncture Treatments
Welcome to Five Element Acupuncture!
In Five Element acupuncture each person has a unique energy pattern, in body, mind, and spirt. Acupuncture treatments diagnose and treat your energy pattern to support what you need to live your unique life and magnify your inherent ability to heal.
Initial Visit with an Intake Evaluation and Acupuncture Treatment:
During your first visit we will do a full intake evaluation, covering your medical and personal history, and reviewing all your health concerns.
Then we will do an acupuncture treatment that includes a traditional pulse and tongue diagnosis, your energy pattern evaluation and diagnosis, and an acupuncture treatment.
Treatments may also include acupressure and moxibustion, an herbal treatment that supports the acupuncture treatments.
We will go over your treatment plan and how acupuncture can help your symptoms, balance your energy, and create greater health and well-being.
Treatment plans may also include recommendations for exercise, lifestyle recommendations, Chinese herbs, and diet suggestions.
Follow up Acupuncture treatments:
At each follow up treatment we will review your symptoms, your treatment plan, and a discuss any new health concerns.
Follow up acupuncture treatments include a traditional pulse and tongue diagnosis, a review of your energy pattern, and an acupuncture treatment.
Treatments may also include acupressure and moxibustion, an herbal treatment that supports the acupuncture treatments.
Treatment plans may also include recommendations for exercise, lifestyle recommendations, Chinese herbs, and diet suggestions.
Initial Visit: Intake Evaluation and Acupuncture Treatment $175
Follow up Acupuncture Treatment $120
Acupuncture treatments have a cumulative effect. In the beginning of treatment, for the most benefit, a recommended course of treatment is 4-6 weekly or bi-weekly treatments.
Cancellation Policy
We have a 24 hour cancellation policy. We kindly ask that you cancel or reschedule your appointment in advance of your appointment time so we may reach out to other patients in need. If you cancel with less than 24 hours notice, regular treatment rates apply.